Success Coaches
New students are assigned to a Success Coach based on their major. Undecided majors can select a Success Coach based on a general area that they might have an interest in exploring.
Success Coaches help students connect with faculty members, academic clubs, activities, and other students within their chosen Academic Program. Students are encouraged to contact their Success Coach with any question or concern they have as they transition to and navigate their college experience.
Amy K. Egbert
Success Coach & Introductory Studies Coordinator
Supports Areas of Study: Introductory Studies, Education, Social Work, and Human Performance
Kate Cecil
Success Coach
Supports Areas of Study: Humanities, Art, Music, Social Sciences, and Mass Communication
Savannah J. Quinn
Success Coach
Supports Areas of Study: Theology, Natural Sciences, Math, and Nursing
Supports Areas of Study: Testing and Tutoring
Supports Areas of Study: Business, Economics, and Technology
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Office of Academic Support